LTM 公司


LTM Corporation 成立于 2007 年,以满足对建筑材料不断增长的需求。自从推出第一个产品 GI 线以来,我们在钢筋和模板配件方面不断发展和扩展我们的业务。这些产品现在构成了业务的核心。我们努力建立在这个强大的基础上并不断创新,以提供高质量的产品来帮助我们在建筑行业的合作伙伴,让他们可以放心地建造。
凭借基于订单的生产设施,其存储空间超过 800 公吨,并拥有复杂的物流流程,我们保证及时交付客户可以信赖的产品。
作为获得 bizSAFE 认证的工作场所,我们实施严格的质量管理体系,以提供安全的工作环境。我们致力于确保每位员工和工人的整体福祉。我们从未充分强调安全在我们公司运营的各个方面的重要性,从生产到调度和销售。
2017 年,我们创建了“Duroply”品牌,这是一种用于建筑行业的混凝土成型胶合板。多种规格可供选择,以满足广大客户的多样化需求。拥有数十年本土贴膜胶合板经验 市场,我们已经完善了负担得起但耐用的产品。无与伦比的耐用,我们的 胶合板已通过行业要求的所有严格测试。它们可以承受建筑公司最严酷的使用。材料来自可持续资源 我们保证客户最有效的使用。
从 2021 年开始,我们的目标是通过 冒险 进入 建筑产品。经过大量的分析和研究,我们准备向我们的客户扩展更广泛的产品。 我们引进“A-Angle”PVC建筑型材产品 来自马来西亚,认证 新加坡可持续资源绿色标签。随着建筑产品的加入,我们有更好的定位和强大的能力来应对行业的挑战和需求。


Investing in Digital Solutions
ePOD System: We are among the first to implement a paperless Electronic Proof of Delivery (ePOD) system. Our ePOD is tracked in real-time, providing customers with immediate updates via email after each delivery, complete with photos, signatures, and GPS location data.
Auto Invoicing: Our advanced software ensures timely invoicing by automatically sending invoices each night along with the ePOD. We can customize billing cycles to meet customer preferences, whether daily, weekly, or monthly.
CRM: Our sales team utilizes cutting-edge CRM software to track and record all customer interactions and transaction history. This enhances our service and deepens our understanding of each customer, significantly improving their experience.

Our Products
We offer competitively priced products without compromising quality. Our items are directly imported from manufacturers worldwide and thoroughly inspected by our experienced Quality Control Department. We continually research and improve our products, redesigning them and submitting them for third-party testing to ensure high quality.

Our Inventory
To meet the growing demands of our customers, we maintain a substantial inventory. Our warehouse, which currently holds over 80,000 square feet of storage capacity, is continually expanding. This allows us to deliver orders promptly and reliably.